USA och kuppen i Honduras

Det finns en del tecken på att USA faktiskt accepterar kuppen i Hodnuras och att deras formella protester faktiskt är ett spel för gallerierna. Man vi låtsas som om man inte stöder kuppmakarna, samtidigt som man faktiskt inte agerar för att återinsätta Manuel Zelaya på annat sätt än att prata strunt. Så här skriver exempelvis den US-amerikanska vänstertidningen Socialist Worker:

Zelaya’s ouster was roundly denounced across Latin America, even among conservative political leaders like Costa Rica’s Oscar Arias. The Organization of American States (OAS), representing the countries of North and South America except Cuba, immediately issued a statement condemning the coup.

By midweek, the OAS had called for Zelaya to be restored to power within 72 hours. Micheletti and the coup makers rejected the ultimatum. ”[Zelaya] can no longer return to the presidency of the republic unless a president from another Latin American country comes and imposes him using guns,” Micheletti told the Associate Press.

Though the U.S. went along with the OAS statements, its overall response has been contradictory.

As reports of Zelaya’s ouster emerged from Honduras last Sunday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned the coup and called for respect for ”constitutional order.” But at almost the same time, Dan Restrepo, presidential adviser to Obama for Latin American Affairs, was interviewed on CNN en Español, where he explained that the U.S. was communicating with coup forces, and was ”waiting to see how things play out.”

Speaking for U.S. conservatives, the Wall Street Journal celebrated the coup, claiming that the military was merely following an order of the Supreme Court–stacked with creatures of the elite–in forcing Zelaya out of office. The Journal did admit, however, that the coup makers ”would have been smarter–and better off–not sending Mr. Zelaya into exile at dawn.”

But, of course, the manner of Zelaya’s ouster perfectly illustrates the way that power has been wielded for decades in Honduras by a small landed oligarchy and its U.S.-backed military.


During the week, U.S. officials were careful to sound sharper criticisms of the coup makers. But they steered clear of tough action, beyond suspending ties with the military. On Thursday, for example, U.S. officials put off a decision to cut off economic aid to Honduras unless Zelaya was returned to power.

This stalling is telling. With Honduras dependent on the U.S. economically and the Pentagon’s long relationship to Honduran military leaders–several conspirators were trained at the notorious School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Ga.–Washington could have stopped the coup makers in their tracks. It chose not to.

The claims of U.S. leaders to respect democracy–issued so loudly in the case of Iran–should be judged against this record of weak rhetoric and inaction on Honduras.

Och i en intervju hos Democracy Now säger historikern och latinamerikakännaren Greg Grandin:

– Så om USA är emot denna kupp kommer den inte att fortsätta, sade han.
Än så länge har USA inte kallat bortförandet av Zelaya för en ”kupp”, eftersom de då enligt lag måste sluta att ge bidrag till landet. De har heller inte kallat hem sin ambassadör, vilket alla länder i ALBA har gjort.

Vi kan också konstarera att flera av kuppledarna tränats i USA, i School of the Americas.

Borgarmedia: DN, SVD, GP,
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