Övergreppen på Sri Lanka

Regeringens militära offensiv på Sri Lanka mot de tamilska tigrarna (LTTE) ångar på, fortfarande eutan att någon som helst hänsyn tas till civilbefolkningen. LTTE är inte helrl de oskyldiga till övergrepp mot cilvibefolkningen som befinner sig instängd i ett område som ständigt beskjuts med tunga vapen. Situationen är förskräcklig och de som kan förhindra att fler civila människor dödas är regeringen i Sri Lanka genom att avbryta bombardemanget mot civilbefolkningen. Frun till en mördad journalist skriver så här om läget:

The free Sri Lanka in which I was born no longer exists. Our country has entered a Dark Age characterized by tyranny and state-sponsored terror, where the government publicly, cynically and unapologetically equates democratic dissent to treason. The sinister white van in which the state abducts its perceived enemies including journalists, many of them never to be seen again, has become a symbol of untold dread. Yet, we need to remember that violence against journalists is only the tip of the iceberg. Tens of thousands of ordinary Sri Lankan civilians – men, women, children, and the aged-have been herded into concentration camps where they are held against their will. There they languish in the most horrible of conditions, trapped behind barbed-wire fences and beneath the radar of a world which, perhaps rightly, is more concerned with the arguably greater tragedies unfolding in places such as Darfur. But what has been their crime?

They belong to an ethnic minority living in an area infested by the Liberation Tigers, one of the most murderous terrorist organizations the world has ever seen. The Tamil civilians of Sri Lanka’s north are caught in a vice-like grip between LTTE terrorism on the one side and state terrorism on the other. And I use that word advisedly, for the Sri Lankan government is perhaps the only one on this planet that persists in bombing its own civilian citizenry.

That this is a racist war is not a secret. I would not go so far as to use the word genocide, but it would not surprise me to see it used in future international legal action against the government. At any rate, the government itself has plastered the countryside with enormous placards lauding the military with the slogan, in Sinhala, the language of the Sinhalese majority to which I too, belong, stating: “Soldiers, our race salutes you!” Not “the people”, not ”the country”, but the race. And all these placards exhibit the stated provenance of the Ministry of Defence or other government institutions.

Interestingly, none of these hoardings are in Tamil, the language of the people the government claims it is seeking to liberate.

I make this point because it is urgent and important that the world realizes what is happening in Sri Lanka before it is too late.

Sadly, even those who should see best are blind to the plight of the innocents caught in the crossfire as state terrorism seeks to counter the LTTE’s terrorism. It frustrates me that even people who should know better do not seem to. A few days after Lasantha’s murder an international Journal opined that ”For all those who argue that there’s no military solution for terrorism, we have two words: Sri Lanka.” It is a pity that even journalists often fail to see the distinction between terror perpetrated by terrorists and terror perpetrated by governments. This Journal might just as well have said to all those who argue that there’s no military solution for terrorism, they have just one word: terrorism. For that is the solution the government of Sri Lanka has chosen: terrorism against civilians, terrorism against journalists, terrorism against dissidents of all kinds.

Situationen på Sri Lanka är katastrofal och omvärlden tittar bara på medans regimen i landet mördar civila i ett rasistiskt krig mot tamiler.


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2 svar på “Övergreppen på Sri Lanka”

  1. Myndighetene mener De knuse tigrene. Men san heten er de kunuser tamil sivele som er st??ttet tigerene. Der nede er
    Legen har sett minst 1500 d??de kropper innenfor det området der han har v?¶rt i stand til å gå under fors??k på å hjelpe de sårede sivile. Sårende folk iger der og dor utten hjelp.

    ”The ICRC har forlatt sine oppdrag, er det ingen mat, ingen tilgang til drikkevann til tusenvis av sivile.
    Ingen sivile bevegelsen ble rapportert som SLA brukte h??yeste brann str??mmen tettbebygde milj??-sone som har v?¶rt under beleiring i månedsvis. Dette er kattestrope.
    bare går uttover siville. Ltte kommer tilbake. hvem skal ansvar for allt dette. Dette er ett skam for vesten og FN.
    Takk til helle så kalt demokratiiske vardan. Vesten tenker bare på sine intresser. ikke noe demokrati og rettfardig.
    Hadde vi hatt olije eller noe gull. sikkert vi hadde fått hjelp fra vesten for lenge siden. En vakert dag helle vardn må svara på Alle Tamillene.

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