Mexico är ett våldsamt land det kan vi läsa i tidningarna även nuförtiden. Numera handlar det mest om gangstergäng, korrumperade snutar och våldsdåd. Men Mexico har länge varit ett våldsamt land. Ett land med våldsamma övergrepp mot arbetare, bönder och fackligt engagerade.
Häromåret handlade det om lärarna och folket i Oaxaca. Innan dess var det Chiapas och zapatisterna. 1968 var det studentrörelsen, dess revolt och förtrycket av denna inför OS som det året ägde rum i Mexico City. Ett förtryck som resulterade i en massaker på torget i Tlatelolco.
Det handlade om en massiv studentrörelse:
The movement began when a demonstration in solidarity with the Cuban revolution–called by Taibo ”the most ritual demonstration of the left”–encountered a simultaneous demonstration of thousands of polytechnic students protesting a police intervention into their schools.
Both demonstrations were viciously repressed–and the students returned to their schools to organize assemblies that could call a strike. The repression continued, with the police using a bazooka blast to break into the door of one of the preparatory schools. Soon, the demonstrations swelled to 30,000, and then 100,000, and, within a month, half a million.
En rörelse som inte saknade stöd från arbetarna i landet:
The moments of support from the workers of the city were incredible. At one point, after tanks were called into Mexico City’s main square to clear out a student demonstration, Mexican President Diaz Ordaz brought thousands of state bureaucrats out to counterdemonstrate. But state workers began to chant that ”we’ve been carried here–we are the sheep of Diaz Ordaz,” and the tanks again had to clear the main square.
Och om en rörelse som uppnådde resultat:
Despite the repression and eventually crushing of the student movement, the student movement had a long-lasting impact on Mexican society. It was the first crack in the edifice of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party.
Läs mer: Tlatelolco Massacre, Int. Viewpoint, Socialist Democracy,
Borgarmedia: BBC, NYT, SDS, Guardian,
Andra bloggar om: 1968, Studentrörelse, Tlatelolco, Massaker, Mexico 1968, Mexico, Politik, Samhälle
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