Makthavarna i Grekland ställer förmodligen in folkomröstningen om krispaketet som en följd av det internationella kapitalets och den internationella borgarklassens påtryckningar. Omtanken om bankerna och de rika väger tyngre än demokrati och folkliga rättigheter. Att krispaketet innebär ett försämrat liv för majoriteten av de vanliga grekerna är inget som eliten i världen bryr sig om. Det handlar om elitens förakt för folket, om elitens förakt för demokrati och folklig makt.
Så här skriver den radikala organisationen Antarsya om protesterna i Grekland (specifikt om dagens protester):
On Friday the collapsing government of the Memorandum will try to stay in power and gain the Vote of confidence. Don’t let them stay in power; they should be brought down by the pressure of popular mobilization. The Parliament should be, once again, encircled by the people’s anger.
The demonstration outside the Parliament on Friday should be united, militant and disobedient. In such a struggle neither the proprietary logics are welcome nor the strictly protected party contingents. What we need is that Syntagma Square should be floated by the people of the struggle, by the workers and the young people, by the trade unions and the students’ unions, by the peoples’ assemblies and the various committees of struggle, by the parties and the organizations of the Left in a big demonstration.
As Antarsya we insist on the path of the militant front for breaking and overthrowing the current system, as well as on the radical united action of the Left. We fight for the escalation of the struggles through longtime stirkes, occupations and militant demonstrations; for the self-organization of the masses and the peoples’ solidarity; for overthrowing the “massacre” of the government-UE-IMF and every potential administrator of the same policy, for getting rid of the dictatorship of the markets and the bankers.
We call on the workers and the young people, the trade unions and the students’ unions, the assemblies and the committees of struggle to support the demonstration that is organized by the Co-ordination of the rank-and-file trade unions on Friday 4 November, 19h, in Klafthmonos Square and then to march up to the Parliament.
Antarsya innehåller Socialistiska Partiets grekiska systerorganisation OKDE-Spartakos.
Läs också:
- Vad moderater menar med allmän och lika rösträtt,
- Den svenska revolutionen tvingade fram lika rösträtt
- Krisprogrammen kan inte rädda Grekland
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Grekland, Finanskris, Eurokris, Ekonomisk kris, Finanskapital, Demokrati, Bankkapital, Borgarklass, Demokrati, Samhälle, Politik, Grekland, Ekonomi
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